New Talent at SciCADE05
The Adjudicating Committee for the New Talent Program, which is equivalent
to the International Scientific Committee for SciCADE'05, received 12
applicants for the program. It discussed seriously and attained the
conclusion that
Dr. Assyr Abdulle from University of Basel, Switzerland
deserved the New Talent of SciCADE'05. He gave
a plenary talk
in the conference.
We have reserved a slot in the format of the plenary talks for a
"New talent invited speaker"
Travel expense and all local expenses will be covered for this speaker, and the registration fee will be waived as well.
The author of the best paper will be asked to give an invited lecture at Scicade '05.
Who is eligible;
- candidates must be under 35 as of 1 January 2005; and
- they should not have completed a PhD more than 4 years ago, that is
before January 1st, 2001
How to submit:
- Those wishing to be considered for the new talent
award are invited to submit a manuscript to the conference organisers
by January 31, 2005.
Please e-mail manuscripts for the new talent session through the submission page or indicate a URL (web address) from where an electronic copy of the manuscript can be downloaded via the submission page.
- Jointly authored papers may be submitted by an individual candidate.
In such a case the entry must primarily be the original work of the
candidate, and must be accompanied by a statement from the co-authors
agreeing to the submission and detailing the contribution of the
candidate to the paper.
The entries will be considered by an Adjudicating Committee: its members are those of the International Scientific Committee for SciCADE'05.
Any questions should be addressed to Tom Mitsui.
His e-mail address: